Hi 👋
I'm Panos, a digital product designer focused on creating functional digital products.
Translating concepts into designs and code, I’ve spent more than fifteen years perfecting my process and my skill set. This sets me up for easy communication, both with clients one-on-one and with teams of developers.
I evolve, learn, and progress in my praxis every day. I consider (and, where appropriate, adopt) the latest trends, driving results and ROI in every project that I’ve been involved in.
Devs use so many languages. I think the least I can do is communicate my designs in terms that developers expect and understand. This allows for a streamlined and efficient process. To date, I have completed over 50 projects, collaborating with design, development, and marketing teams globally to align ideas and deliverables.

Some of the amazing companies and products I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years
I translate ideas into beautiful and functional interfaces for the web and mobile world. It’s my superpower. And yes, I’m the type of designer who obsesses over pixel perfection and user experience (so you don’t have to!). My passion revolves around design, but I am always open to exploring something new adjacent to building and maintaining sustainable projects.
Besides designing apps and web products, I enjoy getting my hands dirty with various DIY projects at home, and I love traveling and spending all my free time with my family.

I’m intrigued by people who think and try new things, and I love discussing ideas and potential synergies. If that sounds like you, let’s connect and chat about it.